8. Drzewa i krzewy liściaste
The nature trail leads through a young forest dominated by birch and pine, with an admixture of hornbeam, sycamore, and single spruce, firs, and larches. Regardless of its economic history, it is a unique, complex natural system shaping the living environment for many species of plants, animals, and microorganisms.
For humans, it has natural, protective, health, aesthetic, and economic value. Following the prepared trail, we recommend using the time and place to recognize the tree species that create the surrounding forest, shape the microclimate of its interior and environment. Deciduous tree species produce broad, flat leaves of various shapes, single or compound, with a characteristic pinnate or palmate arrangement of veins. The leaves change color in the autumn and fall in the winter. They are angiosperms; that is, they produce flowers covering the ovule, from which, after pollination, seeds are formed.

Silver Birch (Betula pendula)
In the stand: frequent, tall tree with white bark, high-set crown with drooping branches, and small triangular leaves.

Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur)
In the stand: several young trees, about 10 meters high, growing singly. The bark of trees is gray-brown, smooth, and covered with regular, longitudinal furrows over time. Leathery leaves with pinnate veining with about seven small rounded lobes and smooth edges, a scalloped base and a short petiole. Fruits (acorns) set on long stalks appear on older trees over 40 years old.

Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)
In the tree stand: a tall deciduous tree that is part of the upper storey of the stand, with smooth gray bark with a characteristic pattern and elliptical leaves, regularly pleated and double-toothed on the edges.

Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)
In the surrounding stand: thin tall trees with gray bark, large lobed leaves on long reddish petioles.

Beech (Fagus sylvatica)
In the stand: in the immediate vicinity, young, single, small trees with smooth light bark and entire elliptical leaves with distinct veining.

Hazel (Corylus avellana)
In the tree stand: small shrubs growing from rootstocks with large roundish rough leaves with double serrated edges, pointed at the top, heart-shaped at the base of the petiole. Over time, shrubs will begin to bear fruit, producing single seeded nuts, the so-called "hazelnuts". In the undergrowth, small bushes of Guelder Rose (Viburnum opulus) and Fly Honeysuckle (Lonicera xylosteum) can also be found.

1. Silver Birch. 2. Pedunculate Oak. 3. Hornbeam. 4. Sycamore Maple. 5. Beech. 6. Hazel.
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